Statuetka wykonana ze skał pochodzących ze Złotego Stoku w Sudetach
Picture made of polished plate of quartz-sericite rock from Sudetes (Poland)
Statuette from fossil Orthoceras and green jasper from Poland
Polished vase madr of serprntinite from Sudetes (Poland)
Szkatułka wykonana w całości z granitu napisowego (kamienia hebrajskiego) z uchwytem na wieczku z kwarcu dymnego
Sphere made of chromite ore from Poland (Sudetes)
Polished sphere made of anorthosite, gabbro from Poland (eratic rock)
Polished sphere made of garnet-pyroxene skarn from Sudetes (Poland)
Statuette made out of gold-bearing paleogene conglomerate from Ada Tepe (Rodopes Mts., Bulgaria)